
Data Primitives

PyTorch has two primitives to work with data: and


Dataset represents a map between key (label) and sample (features) pairs of your data.

  • ex. images and their associated labels


DataLoader wraps an iterable around the Dataset

  • this is accomplished by passing Dataset as an arg to DataLoader, giving us automatic batching, sampling, shuffling and multiprocess data loading.

Domain-specific Libraries

  • TorchText
  • TorchVision
  • TorchAudio
  • TorchRec - Recommendation Systems


Every TorchVision Dataset includes two arguments: transform and target_transform to modify the samples and labels respectively.


Generating random numbers is an essential aspect to a deep learning model. However, this presents a problem: if we are generating random numbers, how can we reproduce the same results across different executions of the code and across different machines, given the same data and parameters?

There are a couple of things we can do to limit the amount of nondeterministic behaviour from Pytorch:

  1. control sources of randomness that can cause multiple executions of your application to behave differently
  2. configure PyTorch to avoid using nondeterministic algorithms for some operations. As a result, multiple calls to those operations, given the same inputs, will produce the same result.
    • this involves specifying the seed so that the PRNG will produce the same sequence of "random" numbers, even run across different machines.

Torch Hub / torchvision.models

Allows us to access many pre-built deep learning models (allowing us to leverage transfer learning)


Learning Resources

  1. Ap
  2. Tensors
