
  • torch.nn.Module - The base class for all neural network modules. Our neural network should subclass this module
  • torch.nn.Parameter - Stores tensors that can be used with nn.Module. These are the parameters that our model should try and learn.
    • often, a layer from torch.nn will set these for us.
    • If requires_grad=True, gradients (used for updating model parameters via gradient descent) are calculated automatically, this is often referred to as "autograd".
  • def forward() - this defines the computation that will take place on the data passed to the particular nn.Module
    • all nn.Module subclasses require us to override this method
  • torch.optim - Contains various optimization algorithms (these tell the model parameters stored in nn.Parameter how to best change to improve gradient descent and in turn reduce the loss).

Neural Network instance methods

  • model.state_dict() - gives us the state of the model's parameters