Concurrency in Go


Each execution path of our Go program is a goroutine.

  • Therefore, we always have at least 1 (the main goroutine).

If we prepend a function invocation with the keyword go, that function won't wait to finish executing before moving on to the next line.

The following will run count("sheep") in the background, then immediately execute count("fish"), thereby creating a goroutine, which runs concurrently.

go count("sheep")

// 1 sheep
// 1 fish
// 2 sheep
// 2 fish
// etc.

imagine both of our count() functions are called in a background goroutine:

func main() {
  go count("sheep")
  go count("fish")
  • in this case, we would not see any logs in the console, since the go keyword tells the count() function to run in the background and move to the next line. Since that was the last line, the main() function finishes and our program exits.
    • if we added time.Sleep(time.Second * 2) as the last line in our main() function, then we would see logs for 2 seconds before the program exits.
  • a better solution here is to use a WaitGroup (which is basically just a counter):
import "sync"

func main() {
  var wg sync.WaitGroup
  // increment the WG by 1 to incicate that we have 1 goroutine 
  // to wait for before `main()` finishes executing

  go func() {
    // decrement the WG when the goroutine finishes.

  // wait until the counter is 0 (ie. wait until all goroutines have finished)

Goroutines are very efficient

  • we can make 1000s of simultaneously running goroutines.
  • however, ultimately we are constrained by how many cores our CPU has.


A channel is a means for goroutines to communicate with each other.

  • ex. we have a value in one goroutine that we want to pass to the main goroutine.
    • to do this, we can modify our count() function to accept a channel as an argument:
func main() {
  // make the channel
  c := make(chan string)
  go count("sheep", c)

  // iterate over the range (spec: length, as if it were an array) of a channel
  for msg := range c {

  /* The above for-loop is syntactic sugar for the long-form: 
  * for msg := range c {
  *   // receive the message from the channel and set it to `msg`
  *   msg, open := <- c
  *   // if channel is not open, break out of for loop (stop receiving messages)
  *   if !open {
  *     break
  *   }
  *   fmt.Println(msg)
  * }
func count(animalType string, c chan string) {
  for i: 0; i <= 5; i++ {
    // send the value of `animalType` over the channel
    c <- animalType
    time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 500)

  // close the channel once the for loop has finished
  • note: sending and receiving messages through channels are blocking operations; code execution will stop until a value is sent/received through the channel.
  • note: channels have a type (here, string), meaning the only messages we can pass through those channels are strings.
    • we can even type channels as channels (ie. channels that only accept messages with the type channel)
      • spec: c chan chan, or c chan channel maybe?
  • note: naturally, only senders of messages should close channels, since they are the ones that know whether or not the data flow has finished.

We can use channels to synchronize goroutines.

  • ex. Imagine we have 2 goroutines, and gr1 depends on gr2 (gr1 receives a message from gr2 via a channel)
    • here, execution of gr1 will pause at line 7 as it waits for gr2 to reach its line 4, where it will send a message through the channel.

Channels must have a goroutine ready to receive a message from them before anything can be sent through them.

  • in other words, if we are within the main goroutine and our code executes c <- "hello" before it executes msg := <- c, our program will exit in error, since we are trying to send something to the c channel before anything is set up to listen to it (recall: sending/receiving from a channel is a blocking operation until it can be completed)

Channel references can be specified to restrict us from only ever receiving/sending messages:

  • ex. we make a function that takes 2 channels:
      1. a channel of jobs to do (from which we will only ever receive messages; <-chan)
      1. a channel to send results to (to which we will only ever send messages; chan<-)
func worker(jobs <-chan int, results chan<- int) {
  for n := range jobs
  • if we try and send a message to the jobs channel, we will get a compile-time error

Buffered Channel

A buffered channel can be filled without a corresponding receiver, and it will not block until that buffer is full.

  • Buffered channels have a fixed capacity set when they are initialized.
func main() {
  // make a buffered channel of strings with a capacity of 2
  c := make(chan string, 2)
  c <- "hello"
  c <- "world"

  msg := <- c
  fmt.Println(msg) // hello

  msg = <- c
  fmt.Println(msg) // world


the select keyword allows us to receive a message from whatever channel has one:

ex. imagine we have 2 goroutines that each do some calculation then return it to the main function where it then gets logged to the console. We set up each function to do the calculation, then send the data through their own respective channel. Back in the main function, we create a loop to log to the console each time a new message arrives in the channel):

main() {
  for {
    select {
      case msg1 := <- c1:
      case msg2 := <- c2:

Worker Pool

A worker pool is a queue of jobs to be done, from which multiple concurrent workers can pull jobs and perform them.

func main() {
  // no real reason why we have a buffer of 100; it's just a nice round and large enough number
  jobs := make(chan int, 100)
  results := make(chan int, 100)

  // create a worker as a concurrent goroutine
  go worker(jobs, results)

  for i := 0; i < 100; i++ {
    // fill up the jobs channel with numbers from 0-99
    // since it's a buffered channel, it's not going to block
    jobs <- i

  for j := 0; j < 100; j++ {
    // receive each fibonnaci number from the `results` channel and print to console

func worker(jobs <-chan int, results chan<- int) {
  // as long as there are jobs on the `jobs` channel, the calculation will continue to run
  for n := range jobs {
    results <- fibonnaci(n)

func fibonacci(n int) int {
  if n <= 1 {
    return n

  return fibonacci(n - 1) + fibonacci(n - 2)

see: Concurrency main article