

In a nutshell Next.js is a combination of 3 components:

  • A server that renders React apps,
  • a compiler that bundles your FE and BE code
  • a CLI tool to manage all these tasks for you

create pre-rendered react websites, offered from SSR

JSX is rendered already into HTML on the server, and is sent to the client to be displayed

  • vanilla-react will do everything at runtime.

Next takes care of routing for us

  • we define new pages in the pages/ directory, and next picks up on them automatically, giving us the url out of the box.
    • next defines a component <Link /> we can use to handle routes

Next is smart and will not re-render the same content, if it has rendered it already

If we had a function in a Next.js component that referred to the window object, we would get errors. This is because that code is being run on the server, which of course has no concept of the browser's global variables. However, if we were to use window in the useEffect call, we would indeed get access to the window object. This shows that useEffect is still done client side, even though functions are understood server-side

How does it work?

When a client hits a URL, the Next.js server sends back an index.html file, which contains the initial static render of the React components from the associated index.jsx file of your source code.

  • the initial static render is what the page looks like, considering the initial state/props that are used to build the components.
  • the received index.html file also contains references to multiple JavaScript files, which load up React and your root App component, and attach that App to the html root tag (this is known as hydration).
  • From there the app behaves like any other React app.


  1. Cook
  2. Methods
  3. Page
  4. Prerendering
  5. Rehydration
  6. Styled Components in Nextjs
  7. TS
