
getInitialProps (deprecated)

This function is called and returns props to the react component before rendering the templates in /pages. This is a perfect place for fetching the data you want for a page.

getInitialProps works only in files in the pages folder and are used for routing, i.e it will not be called for react components that are included in these pages

Adding a custom getInitialProps in your _app.js will disable Automatic Static Optimization in pages without Static Generation.


When we specify this function, the Nextjs server will pre-render the html on each request before returning it to the client

  • Inside getServerSideProps, you can fetch data, perform server-side operations, or do anything you need to prepare the page's data.

getServerSideProps returns JSON which will be used to render the page.

Use getServerSideProps only if you need to render a page whose data must be fetched at request time.

  • If you do not need to render the data during the request, then you should consider fetching data on the client side or getStaticProps.
  1. When a user makes a request to a page with getServerSideProps, the Next.js server executes this function on the server.
  2. The data you fetch inside the function is then used to pre-render the page's HTML on the server, including the initial data.
  3. The fully rendered HTML page is sent as a response to the client's browser.
    • When the client's browser receives the HTML, it can display the page immediately without needing to wait for client-side JavaScript to load and render the content.