Set Theory

Union (\cup)

Get elements that are in either array

function getUnion(arr1, arr2) {
  const mergedArray = arr1.concat(arr2);
  const unionSet = new Set(mergedArray);
  return Array.from(unionSet);

Intersection (\cap)

Get elements that both arrays share in common

let intersection = arrA.filter(x => arrB.includes(x))


Get elements from arrA that are not in arrB

let difference = arrA.filter(x => !arrB.includes(x));

Symmetrical Difference

Get elements that are in arrA but not in arrB, and elements that are in arrB but not in arrB

let difference = arrA
    .filter(x => !arrB.includes(x))
    .concat(arrB.filter(x => !arrA.includes(x)));