If Statements

Testing for non-equality

When testing that 2 values are not equal to each other, we have to be careful with the logic. Note that checking for non-equality is not the opposite of checking for equality.

Consider that the follow equality test is strict. It will only pass the test if they are exactly the same:

if (myVersion.title === yourVersion.title) 

On the other hand, when we test for non-equality, there are additional values that can cause our test to pass.

  • ex. if myVersion is undefined, then we would be testing (undefined !== yourVersion.title), which is true. However, this is probably not what we meant to test for. In the case where myVersion does not even exist, we'd probably want to exit and handle it differently. Otherwise, the assumption is made that we should handle it as if we were checking non-equality between 2 different version titles.
if (myVersion?.title !== yourVersion.title) 

// to fix this, check truthiness of `myVersion` first
if (myVersion && myVersion?.title !== yourVersion.title) 

UE Resources

Getting rid of nested ifs