Authoritative Nameserver

The authoritative nameserver is the server that actually holds and is responsible for resource records

When a DNS server queries other DNS servers, it’s making an "upstream" query. Queries for a domain can go "upstream" until they lead back to domain’s authority, or "authoritative name server."

  • An authoritative name server is where administrators manage server names and IP addresses for their domains. Whenever a DNS administrator wants to add, change or delete a server name or an IP address, they make a change on their authoritative DNS server (sometimes called a "master DNS server").

  • Holds information specific to the actual domain name it serves (eg., and will send the IP address back to the recursive resolver.

    • The IP address it sends is found in the DNS A record.
  • Each domain has its own authoritative NS

  • spec: this nameserver holds the records that we see on our domain registrar dashboard for our domain.

a nameserver can be authoritative for more than one zone

