Hick's Law
"The time it takes to make a decision increases with the number and complexity of choices." Application of law:
- Distinguish essential content from secondary content. By enabling users to find a path through fewer choices, you’ll reduce their cognitive burden.
- ex. When creating navigation instead of providing an endless list of choices, focus on just a few.
Fitt's Law
"The time it takes to acquire a target is a function of the distance to and size of the target."
- ie. The farther away a target is — a button on a screen, for example — the larger it needs to be for a user to be able to reach it easily.
Miller's Law
"The average person can only keep 7±2 items in their working memory. In short: there’s only so much we can hold in our heads in a short space of time."
- Miller’s law is particularly important when we consider how we organize and group information, and is where chunking can come in useful
- Where possible look for groups of information that can be broken down and chunked, enabling them to be held more easily in users’ working memory.