
PL/pgSQL is an interpreted language, which means that the function body is not evaluated for syntactical soundness as in compiled programming languages like Pascal or C++. Therefore you can write a function which only reveals any errors when it is invoked.

Think of sql commands as having the potential to return rows. In this sense, they are like functions.

  • in javascript we can do something like this:
const returnedValueFromFn = fn()
  • in plpgsql we can do something like this:
select * from users returning * into v_users;

Since these sql commands are like functions, we can imagine that v_user_id is an argument to the following query:

select * from users where id = v_user_id;
  • When executing a SQL command in this way, PL/pgSQL may cache and re-use the execution plan for the command

E Resources

Return multiple fields without making new type

  1. For Loops
  2. Setof
  3. Statements
  4. Types