
"Take 2+ tables with equal number of columns and combine them into a single result set."

  • ie. combines results of 2+ SELECTs into a single result set.
  • "append" could have also been an appropriate name

UNION is conceptually opposite of JOIN; it expands the result set in the other direction (y instead of x)

  • JOIN is for taking 2 tables and combining their columns, while UNION is for taking 2 tables and combining their rows(ie. records)
SELECT select_list_1
FROM table1
SELECT select_list_2
FROM table2
  • The number and the order of the columns in the select list of both queries must be the same.
  • The UNION operator by default removes all duplicate rows from the combined data set (UNION ALL will bring them back)
  • In practice, you often use the UNION operator to combine data from similar tables, which are not perfectly normalized
  • ex. with 2 tables: popular_movies, top_rated_movies, return the movies found in both tables, removing any duplicates along the way 8d2bb4d874e9ee042506b53f0a5eb8cd.png