
Cognito is an identity platform for web and mobile apps. It is...

  • a user directory
  • an authentication server
  • an authorization service for OAuth 2.0 access tokens and AWS credentials.

Cognito supports MFA for users.

For integrating Cognito with web/mobile apps, AWS recommends using Amplify

The two main features of Cognito are User Pools and Identity Pools.

User pools

A user pool is a user directory, allowing us to create, manage and authenticate users.


  1. User accesses web application and accesses sign-in page
  2. The request to sign in is sent to Cognito, who presents challenges to the user (e.g. email/password)
  3. The client sends back the challenge response to Cognito, who provides a token, thereby signing in the user.

When a user on our platform signs up on our website, the client calls Cognito user pool API to create a new user. When that user later signs in, the client again calls the Cognito user pool API to authenticate and authorize them.

Identity pools

Identity Pools provide credentials that authorize and monitor API requests to AWS services (e.g. Dynamo, S3), allowing us to authorize authenticated/anonymous users to access those AWS resources.

  • the identity pool issues AWS credentials for our app to server resources to users.
  • Identity pools use both role-based and attribute-based access control to manage your users’ authorization to access your AWS resources.