Data Source


A data source is used to fetch data from a resource that is not managed by the current Terraform project.

  • think of it as a read-only resource that already exists

How is it used?

The following data source is used to look up an S3 (Simple Storage Service) bucket.

data "aws_s3_bucket" "bucket_identifier" {
    bucket = "my_s3_bucket"

We could use a data source expression to access values of the data source, such as the arn of the above bucket, like data.aws_s3_bucket.bucket_identifier.arn

  • ex. we could then use this in our IAM policy

The bigger the project, the more valuable data sources are, since we can split up our terraform project into multiple projects and reference them via data sources.

  • the benefit is two-fold, since not only do we not have to hard-code things like ARNs, but if the resource that we are referencing no longer exists, then the Terraform will properly fail on us.
