
Primary Key

  • a foreign key of a table can also be made into its PK
    • ex. Imagine we had a public.user table that held more public info about a user like username, interests, and a private.user_account which held sensitive info like password and email. Since it is logical to think of the user_account table as just an extension of the user table, we can simply use the already existing id from the user table, and make user_id the primary key of user_account, which references the user table.
  • PK is a type of candidate key.

Surrogate Key

  • A surrogate key is a (likely automatically generated) primary key that is chosen because there is nothing else that uniquely identifies a row. Put another way, the only reason it exists is for the purposes of our database.
    • By contrast, a key that actually means something outside our database (ex. an item SKU)
  • The danger in just relying on surrogate keys is if we have a situation where there are other columns that should uniquely identify the row, then it leaves us open to developer error
    • ex. what if we have an items table, and 2 rows are id and SKU. There's nothing stopping us from inputting the same SKU twice, which result in a duplicated row with different ids.

Foreign Key

  • for foreign keys, we definitely want one column to uniquely identify a row (likely a primary key), otherwise we would have to reference multiple columns in the other table.
  • foreign keys can reference tables or columns
  • the foreign key is on the many side of a 1:many relationship
  • foreign keys are not unique
  • foreign keys can be null

Candidate key

  • a column or combination of columns that uniquely identifies a row.
    • ex. if the rules of our application dictated that emails in the db must be unique, then email could qualify as a candidate key
  • Any column or column combination that can guarantee uniqueness is referred to as a candidate key
    • if this uniqueness is achieved by 2 or more columns, then it is referred to as a composite key. Therefore, composite key is a type of candidate key.

Differences with PK

  • a table can have multiple candidate keys.
  • candidate key column(s) can have null values

Composite key

  • If a table does not have a single column that qualifies for a Candidate key, then you have to select 2 or more columns to make a row unique
    • ex. if no EmployeeID or SocialSecurityNumber that could qualify as a candidate key, then you can make FullName + DoB as composite primary key (though there is small risk of duplication still)
  • Using composite keys could save us from having to perform lookups before making insertions.

Super key

  • if you add any column to a PK, then it becomes a super key
    • ex. EmployeeID + FullName

Constraining tables

  • foreign key constraints ensure that there is another table in existence that has the same column-value
    • ex. if we have an attribute product_no in an Order table, then we should expect that attribute to reference an id from a Product table
    • maintains the referential integrity between two related tables
  • when we create a foreign key, we essentially are saying "a row cannot be entered into this table, unless we have an established reference to the other table"
    • in other words, if the id in the other table (the referenced table) doesn't exist, then neither can the row in the referencing table (the table with the FK)

Constraining columns

  • below, we reference columns c1 and c2 from table2, calling the b and c in our table (table1)
  a integer PRIMARY KEY,
  b integer,
  c integer,
  FOREIGN KEY (b, c) REFERENCES table2 (c1, c2)

1:1 and 1:many relationships are achieved by the use of key contraints (foreign keys)

  • ex. User table with an id (PK) property can be used as the value for the owner_id (FK) property on the Nugget table

Shoestore example

Lets start with a sensible table: product (ex. Air, Jordans). Since we are going to keeping inventory in the store, we will need actual instances of those shoes, which we can call the item table. For instance, this table will hold the information about the shoe's size, its particular color, its price etc. (All of this information is specific to a shoe instance, and doesn't make sense to be included in the product table). Next, we might be tempted to add a column to the product table indicating what type of shoe it is (business, running etc). What we would find when querying data however, is that 'business' would be repeated many times, which is a sign that it should be its own table. So we create a table called product_type and relate it to the product table with ids. Next, we will have to consider that we will have to store data on the actual sale of the item (called sales_item). There is a distinct but important difference between difference between the item table and the sales_item. item is a table that includes the actual instances of the shoe in inventory. sales_item is the item that is being sold. Therefore, it is going to be part of another table sales_order. In sales_item, we will include information like the specific tax rate that was used (since different people are subject to different tax rates), the discount that was applied, the quantity bought etc. Next, in our sales_order table, we will include the form of payment (credit, cash), what time the order was placed etc. 8da5a5b7c2d3633de044d693884219ee.png