
History Expansion


  • History expansion is performed immediately after a complete line is read, before the shell breaks it into words, and is performed on each line individually


  • Event Designators - refer to a particular command in history
    • start with !
  • Word Designators - refer to a particular word of a history entry
    • often gets combined with Event Designators, which are demarcated by :
    • ex. !cp:^ finds the most recent cp command in history and grabs the 1st argument
  • Modifiers - modify result of the Event/Word Designator


  • !ls - execute most recent ls command
    • ex. if I ran git log, then !git, bash will say "oh ok, you want the last executed bash command", and will run git log
  • !?apache - execute most recent command that contains the keyword apache.
    • !% will refer to the word that was matched by the previous !?<pattern> search
  • !-3 - execute 3rd most recent command
    • !! === !-1 (most recent command)
  • !$ - reuse last part of the most recent command
    • ex. less ~/myfile then vim !$ will run vim ~/myfile
  • !* - reuse all parts of most recent command
  • ^ls^cat^ - modify the pattern ls with cat in the previous command
  • !!:s/ls -l/cat/ - replace ls -l of previous command with cat
    • !!:gs/... for global substitution
  • !cp:^ - get 1st arg of the most recent cp command
  • !cp:$ - get last arg of the most recent cp command
  • !cp:2 - get 2nd arg of the most recent cp command
  • !cp:* - get all args of the most recent cp command

Tilde Expansion

Tilde prefix

The tilde prefix includes all of the characters before the first slash /


  • in reality, this is shorthand for ~kyletycholiz (the current user)

~+ $PWD


  • or, the directory we were in previous to our PWD

  1. Brace Expansion
  2. Variable (aka Parameter) Expansion