Styled Components API
A styled component can take any prop. It passes it on to the HTML node if it's a valid attribute, otherwise it only passes it into interpolated functions.
A chainable method called on a styled component, with the purpose of attaching some props to the styled component.
- The fact that it's chainable shows that calling
on a styled component returns another styled component.
The first and only argument is an object that will be merged into the rest of the component's props
The attributes refer to those found on the component/HTML node in question.
is useful for defining default attributes, and defining dynamic props
- ex. you want a
<Button />
component with default attribute oftype="button"
(instead of the normaltype="submit"
) - ex. also, if you want a default size of small, but to be able to override that.
const Button = styled.button.attrs(props => ({
// Every <Button /> will now have type="button" as default
type: props.type || 'button'
// small is the default size, but this can be overridden
size: props.size || 'small'
display: block;
Instead of:
const PitchSlider = ({ className }) => <PitchSliderContainer
export default styled(PitchSlider)`
text-align: right;
float: right;
We can do:
const PitchSlider = styled.input.attrs({
type: 'range',
min: '0.9'
max: '1.1'
step: 'any'
onChange: this.props.onChange
text-align: right;
float: right;
keep all the styling you've applied to a component but just switch out what's being ultimately rendered
- ex. Keep all the stylings of your
styled component, but actually render it as a<input />
instead of a<button />
This is done at runtime.
This is known as a "polymorphic prop"