
HTTP doesn't allow for writing, modifying, moving, etc of a file; it only allows for querying that file. WebDAV enhances HTTP to allow writing.

  • an extension of HTTP
    • Therefore, gets all of the benefits that HTTP offers, such as encryption, if HTTPS
    • Also can use HTTP tools like cURL
  • Since it is an extension of HTTP, it gets access to HTTP verbs. Additionally, it extends these base verbs, giving additional functionality
    • ex. COPY, MOVE, MKCOL (make collection, aka directory)
  • a protocol that allows us to create, update, and move documents on a server.
    • these are known as remote web content authoring operations
  • WebDAV provides a coherent set of methods and headers, and has a system like Express that involves request and response objects
  • ex. perform CRUD operations on information about Web pages, such as their authors, creation dates, etc.
  • The WebDAV protocol enables a webserver to behave like a fileserver