
see also

If a function call has failed within a transaction block and we try to commit, we will instead rollback. Observe:

SELECT 1/0; -- ERROR: division by zero
COMMIT; -- error detected, ROLLBACK executed

Postgres transactions are isolated to individual clients, meaning that the same client must be the one to execute all code in a transaction block.

  • In node-postgres, we cannot use pool.query because of this, (spec: because a pool may be seen as multiple different clients to the postgres server)

In Postgres

  • To execute a transaction in Postgres, use BEGIN / COMMIT / ROLLBACK
  • in Postgres, DDL commands are transactional, except when the commands are "high-caliber", such as creating and deleting DATABASE, TABLESPACE, CLUSTER
  • PostgreSQL supports multi-level transactions on save points level
    • If an error occurs inside a transaction, PostgreSQL rolls back the whole transaction but demands a command to complete the current transaction (COMMIT, ROLLBACK, ABORT)
  • Postgres treats every SQL statement as being executed within a transaction implicitly. If we do not issue a BEGIN command, then each statement will be surrounded with BEGIN..COMMIT

  1. Transaction Variables