

spec: SortingLayer should be used in favor of z-index.

the render order of Renderers through their Render Queue.

There are 2 types of Render Queue:

  1. Opaque queue
  2. Transparent queue (the main one); this contains the Sprite Renderer , Tilemap Renderer, and Sprite Shape Renderer types.

The Camera component sorts Renderers based on its Projection setting, of which there are 2 options:

  1. Perspective - the sorting distance of a Renderer = the direct distance of the Renderer from the Camera's position.
  2. Orthographic - The sorting distance of a Renderer = the distance between the position of the Renderer and the Camera along the Camera’s view direction.

sprites that belong together can be put into a Sorting Group, which share the same Sorting Layer, Order in Layer and Distance to Camera