
Database File

  • known by the environment variable PGDATA, this is where all the data for a database cluster is stored.
    • likely /etc/postgresql/<VERSION>/main/


  • each directory within base/ is used by a database node in our cluster. Each directory is named after the database's OID
    • the files inside are the actual data of the relations (ie. tables, indexes, sequences)
  • database examples: postgres, template0, template1, neverforget, which can be seen from psql with \l
    • the postgres database is not required to exist. It is simply a default that is connected to if no database is specified in the connection string.
    • CREATE DATABASE works by copying the template1 database (template0 can be thought of as a more primitive and stripped down version of template1


  • a file that controls the authentication of clients to connect to the postgres database
    • HBA stands for host-based authentication.
  • after making changes to this file, to put them into effect run SELECT pg_reload_conf(); or pg_ctrl reload with superuser.
  • In psql, run SHOW hba_file;