
Patch file

The default output of git diff is a valid patch file, meaning we can pipe its output into a file, give that file to someone else, and they can apply it with the patch command.

  • ex. git diff master..experiment > experiment.patch. The recipient can then run patch -p1 < ~/experiment.patch

Each patch represents a full commit, complete with metadata like author and date.

  • ex. If we have made 2 commits since master, then running git format-patch master


git range-diff allows us to inspect how two commit ranges are different

Under the hood

to compare 2 commits, Git starts by looking at the root trees of each commit (which are almost always different). Then, Git initiates a depth-first-search on the subtrees by following pairs when paths for the current tree have different OIDs.

  • git diff - show changes between index and working tree
  • git diff --staged - show changes between index and HEAD (ie. last commit)
  • git diff master..feature-branch - show changes between master and feature-branch
    • git diff f733ed.. - show changes between a commit and HEAD
  • git diff -- package.json - show only changes in a specific file.

  1. Cook