
There are generally three methods in PostgreSQL with which you can fill a table with data:

  1. Use the INSERT INTO command with a grouped set of data to insert new values.
  2. Use the INSERT INTO command in conjunction with a SELECT statement to insert existing values from another table.
  3. Use the COPY (or \copy) command to insert values from a system file.

insert...on conflict can be used to implement upsert


  • allows us to get back the columns that were successfully inserted into the table
    • ex. INSERT INTO
  • Using this method, we can get back default values (like id or timestamps)
  • This method is also useful to insert rows into a variable, which we can then simply return from the whole function
  v_person forum_example.person;
	insert into forum_example.person (first_name, last_name) values
		(first_name, last_name)
		returning * into v_person;

  1. Cook