
When installing new PG extensions, we often need to restart the DB. Extensions need to be registered in shared_preload_libraries


We can compile extensions using a tool called pgxs

  • PGXS is a build infrastructure for extensions
  • it allows us to build extensions against an already installed server.


  • When trying to install an extension, if we get the error message cannot find "postgres.h", this means that to build the extension from source, the postgres header files are needed. There is a package called postgres-server-dev-<VERSION>. This will install all header files for us necessary for server development.


  • show installed extensions - \dx OR SELECT * FROM pg_extension
  • show available extensions - SELECT * FROM pg_available_extensions

Notable Extensions


Allows us to achieve a general system-wide analysis to help us with things like indexing strategy.

It’s possible to have a list of the most common queries in terms of number of times the query is executed, and the cumulative time it took to execute the query.

  1. Pgloader