Javascript Bundler

Bundling is process of taking all of your Javascript code (including node_modules) and reducing it down to a single file.

  • the remaining bundle is as small as possible.

Bundling is normally a concept not found in Node.js code, since the size Node.js code on a server doesn't really matter.

  • however, there are use-cases for bundling Node.js code. For instance, if we are building multiple Lambdas in a single project using Serverless Framework, there is a benefit to bundling, since smaller Lambdas are downloaded from S3 (Simple Storage Service) faster, reducing cold start times.
    • in this case, use ESBuild

Think of bundling as a MapReduce operation that maps over all source files and "reduces" them into a bundle.

Before ES modules were available in browsers, developers had no native mechanism for authoring JavaScript in a modularized fashion. This is why we are all familiar with the concept of "bundling": using tools that crawl, process and concatenate our source modules into files that can run in the browser.


The bundler looks through the code and uses only the imported modules (third-party and your own), thereby elminimating all the modules that aren't a part of the project.

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