
Think of subqueries as fluent syntax that's chained by nesting rather than step by step after each other.

  • similar to functional programming and how you read from the inside-out, using the output of the inner function as input for the next outer function

  • subqueries return a subset of data from a larger set of data (which arose from a different query)

    • ie. perform a query to get some data, then immediately perform another query on that data.
  • subqueries can be used almost anywhere in an SQL query.

  • if a subquery is slow, try and convert it to a derived table, as those are much faster

  • Subqueries can usually be executed independently, allowing us to see what each one is doing so we can mentally make substitutions as we are trying to understand an SQL query

Use subqueries any time you want to first query a set of data, which you will then query again on

  • note: in reality it is not as inefficient as it sounds. This is just a simplification

ex. below, if dr_recommended is a table with a column called activity, then this query will return all activities in both tables, since they will be "doctor recommended" select the type column go in the dr_recommended table

  • you can use the WITH clause in place of sub-queries
select * 
from exercise_logs 
where activity in (
	select type from dr_recommended

ex. below, we first query for the highest joindate, then out of the subset of data, we query for the joindate, firstname and surname

select joindate, firstname, surname
from cd.members
where joindate = (select
from cd.members)