GROQ (Graph-Relational Object Queries) is a declarative query language that shares a lot of similarities with GraphQL.

  • It is used by...
    • describing exactly what information your application needs
    • potentially joining together information from several sets of documents
    • then stitching together a very specific response with only the exact fields you need.
*[_type == "post" && slug.current == $slug] | order(publishedDate, title) {

Means: *

  • select all documents

[_type == 'post' && slug.current == $slug]

  • filter the selection down to documents with the type "post" and those of them who have the same slug to that we have in the parameters


  • select the first and only one in that list


We think of GROQ statements as describing a data flow from left to right.


the first set of [] is the filer. We return data the type of data we are seeking, based on what parameters etc.

  • ex. return data that are of either type Movie or Person, and popularity > 15, or releaseDate > 2016-04-25


the second set of [] Allows us to determine which items we will get back from the query ex. first 5


what's found between {} ex. return title, author, and publishedDate from the query for all blog posts.


what's found after the | We can order by secondary properties, if the first property is the same (e.g. in cases where there are many items with the same year value)


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