
At a high level, cursor-based pagination works like this:

  1. User requests some data (either through initial page load, or clicking some UI pagination button).
  2. Along with the list of data that to display, we also want to get pagination information pageInfo that is defined on the connection
query OrganizationForLearningReact {
  organization(login: "the-road-to-learn-react") {
    repository(name: "the-road-to-learn-react") {
      issues(first: 10, after: "Y3Vyc29yOnYyOpHODAESqg==") {
        pageInfo {
        edges {
          node {
            author {
  1. Get the id of the last item in the most previously-fetched data list (known as the cursor)
  • stored in endCursor variable
  1. Store the cursor in local state (e.g. React, Apollo Client)
  2. pass as variable on subsequent fetches of data (ex. when user clicks "Load more", or scrolls more on infinite page)
  3. use that variable as input to the after parameter defined on the Connection (ex. in looking through a list of Github issues, the cursor is defined on the IssuesConnection)

Edges enable us to perform cursor-based pagination. Since the cursor is (usually) just an id, we can use the after argument on a list, passing that id. This allows us to specify the starting point that data should be retrieved from
