
find empty lines (only whitespace)

  • ^\s.*$

find lowercase/non-lowercase

  • \l/\L

find uppercase/non-uppercase

  • \l/\L

find word boundary

  • \<term\>

find both "dog" and "Dog"

  • /[Dd]og

Greedy vs Non-greedy Quantifiers

Vim allows you to specify how many of something you wish to match by adding quantifiers to the term.

  • "greedy quantifiers" are those that match as many of the specified characters as possible.
    • * matches 0 or more
      • ex. /abc* will match abc, abby, and absolutely
    • \+ matches 1 or more
      • ex. /abc\+ will match abc, but not abby or absolutely
    • \{5,} matches 5 or more characters
  • "non-greedy quantifiers" are those that match only the specified number, or as few as possible.
    • \= matches 0 or 1
      • ex. /abc\= will match abc, abby, and absolutely.
    • \{0,10} matches between 0 and 10 of a character
    • \{5} matches 5 characters
    • \{,5} matches 5 characters or less
    • \{-} matches as little as possible