

Allows us to extend the graphql schema that is generated by Postgraphile

  • It does this by allowing us to define additional Graphql Types and Resolvers and merge them into our schema.
  • To accomplish this, the callback we pass to makeExtendSchemaPlugin should return the typeDefs (schema definition) and the resolvers function


This allows us to specify how our Graphql schema will be extended.

  • ex. Will we be adding a new subscription on it? A new InputType?


The build argument to the makeExtendSchemaPlugin contains information and helpers defined by various plugins in the Postgraphile ecosystem

  • most importantly, it includes:
    1. introspection results (build.pgIntrospectionResultsByKind)
    2. inflection functions (build.inflection)
    3. an SQL helper (build.pgSql, an instance of pg-sql2


This helper populates data that is returned from our resolver

  • It should not be used to retrieve data for our resolver to process.
    • Instead use context.pgClient directly.

This helper should not be called more than once per resolver (which wouldn't make sense anyway)

  1. Directives