PostgreSQL includes many SQL tests to validate its query parser, optimizer and executor. It uses a framework named the regression tests suite, based on a very simple idea:
- Run an SQL file containing your tests (using psql)
- Capture its output to a text file that includes the queries and their results
- Compare the output with the expected one that is maintained in the repository with the standard diff utility
- Report any difference as a failure
You can have a look at PostgreSQL repository to see how it’s done, as an example we could pick src/test/regress/sql/aggregates.sql and its matching expected result file src/test/regress/expected/aggregates.out.
- Implementing regression testing like this is trivial, since the driver is only a thin wrapper around executing standard applications such as psql and diff
The idea would be to always have a setup and a teardown step in your SQL test files, wherein the setup step builds a database model and fills it with the test data, and the teardown step removes all that test data.
RegreSQL: Regression testings for Postgres