
The gql helper is responsible for turning the human-readable GraphQL schema language you write into an abstract syntax tree (AST) that the application can understand.

the gql helper differs slightly from the one from graphql-tag, namely in how the placeholders work.

  • This gql function is designed to work with PostGraphile's inflection system, so you can embed strings directly
  • We can also embed other gql tags directly
const nameOfType = "MyType"; // Or use the inflection system to generate a type

// This tag interpolates the string `nameOfType` to allow dynamic naming of the
// type.
const Type = gql`
  type ${nameOfType} {
    str: String
    int: Int

// This tag interpolates the entire definition in `Type` above.
const typeDefs = gql`

  extend type Query {
    fieldName: Type

  1. Embed