Graphql Schema

Specifies the capabilities of the API and defines how clients can request the data. It is often seen as a contract between the source of data (ie. server) and its destination (ie. client), and it defines what data can be queried and how it ought to be queried

  • the schema gives the app's backend the ability to say "here's the data that I want to make available to the client"
  • when queries come in, they are validated and executed against the schema
  • Our schema, along with the requested query, defines the "shape" of the data object in the response returned by our endpoint
    • By shape, we mean what properties objects have, and whether those properties' values' are scalar values, other objects, or arrays of objects or scalars
  • Prefer building a GraphQL schema that describes how clients use the data

The schema is a mode of the data that can be retrieved through the Graphql server. It specifies:

  • It specifies what queries clients are allowed to make
  • what types (scalar, object, query, mutation) of data can be fetched from the server
  • what the relationships between these types are.

The Schema says "Here's the data you can look at". If we were to imagine our database as a complex graph, then the schema would be the graph. The schema defines how we can query and alter the data of the underlying database.

  • ex. a simple user and post app schema.gql:
// schema may be implicitly defined
schema {
	query: Query
	mutation: Mutation

type Query {
	getUser(uuid: String!): User

type Mutation {
	createUser(input: UserInput!): User

type User {
	UUID: String
	Name: String
	Posts: [Post]

type Post {
	UUID: String
	Text: String

input UserInput {
	Name: String
	Posts: [PostInput]

input PostInput{
	Text: String

A field does not become queryable until it exists on the Query type:

type Query {
	myName: String


Descriptions are a first-class way of documentation in Graphql. To implement, we only need to include comments before the definition we are describing. There are 2 different ways to add documentation: Comment blocks for constructs, and inline comments for fields:

A simple GraphQL schema which is well described.
type Query {
  Translates a string from a given language into a different language.
    "The original language that `text` is provided in."
    fromLanguage: Language

    "The translated language to be returned."
    toLanguage: Language

    "The text to be translated."
    text: String
  ): String

The set of languages supported by `translate`.
enum Language {

