C is designed to interface with the output of the computer hardware. Therefore, it is a natural language to use when building operating systems. When you write code in C, you can better intuit what the resulting assembly language will look like. C effectively enables you to write code from a hardware-first perspective.

In C, if a function signature doesn’t specify any argument, it means that the function can be called with any number of parameters or without any parameters.

main is a function just like any other, and thus returns a value to the environment that executed the c program to begin with.

Header Files

  • purpose is to share functions and macros across source files.



  • a constant expression involves only constants, and is therefore evaluated during compilation
  • an emun is a type of constant. By default, the first element has value 0, the second has value 1, and so on.


Token-pasting operator (##)

  • if 1+1=2, then 1##1=11


Symbolic Constants (#define)

  • #define creates a macro
  • Any constant defined in this manner will find all occurrences and replace it with the corresponding value before compilation
    • This contrasts with variables, in that data is actually stored inside of them (while macros are more like aliases)
  • Symbolic Constants are valauble for defining magic numbers


Errors involving “token” almost always mean that you either missed a semicolon or your {}s, ()s, or []s aren’t matched.


  • The act of referencing something using a name, rather than using the value itself.
  • A common form of indirection is when we manipulate a value via its memory address
    • ex. accessing a variable by using a pointer.
  • aka Dereferencing

Handle vs Pointer vs Reference

  • While a pointer contains the address of the item it refers to, a handle is an opaque reference to an object.
  • The type of the handle is unrelated to the element referenced
  • using handles adds an extra layer of indirection, meaning that we can change the details at this level without breaking the program. The same couldn't be said for a pointer.
  • A pointer is the combination of an address in memory and the type of the object that resides in that memory location

  1. C Compiler
  2. C Lang
  3. Makefile
  4. Preprocessors
