Service-Oriented Architecture
SOA is kind of a precursor to microservices. Microservices solved a lot of issues that SOA had, such as their heavy weight.
SOA is well suited in an environment where services are provided between software components using a communication protocol (like HTTP).
Service orientation is a way of thinking in terms of services and the outcomes of those services.
There are 4 properties of a service:
- It logically represents a repeatable business activity with a specified outcome
- It is self contained.
- Those who consume the service view it as a black box.
- The service may be composed of other services.
Service Mesh
A SOA architecture may employ a Service Mesh, which is a dedicated infrastructure layer for facilitating service-to-service communication.
The service mesh uses a proxy
The service mesh can provide some benefits, such as:
- provide observability into communications (ie. system monitoring)
- provide secure connections
- automating retries
A service mesh consists of network proxies paired with each service, along with a set of task management processes.
- proxies are known as the Data Plane.
- Data plane intercepts calls between different services and processes them
- management processes known as Control Plane.
- Control plane is the brain of the mesh that coordinates behaviour of proxies and provides APIs for operations personnel to manipulate and observe the entire network.
Difference between SOA and microservices
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