
With the destructuring technique we can pull out values from an array or object declaratively

const arr = [1, 2, 3, 4]
const [ a, , b ] = arr
// a = 1
// b = 4
  • when spreading, we are unpacking a variable one level deeper (into an array, object etc)
    • the ... is unpacking, the {} is putting it into an object
    • ex. - if we had an array of objects, the unpacking by itself would result in us having an invalid javascript, since it would just be a group of objects with no "bucket" to house them (such as an array or object). This is why { ...arrayOfObjects } will result in those "stray" objects having found a home in the surrounding {}
newObj = {
    0: {},
    1: {},
<Component a={obj.a}, b={obj.b} c={obj.c} /> === <Component {...obj} />

we can rename the object keys of a destructured object like so:

  • an object is returned from calling useQuery with fields loading and error, which we rename.
const { loading: queryLoading, error: queryError, data } = useQuery()

Destructuring creates a shallow copy


const {
    rows: [{ sync_records }],
} = await client.query('select app_public.perform_sync_modifications($1::jsonb[], $2, $3);', [

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