Event Bubbling

Event bubbling describes how the browser handles events targeted at nested elements.

When you click on a button, you are inadvertently clicking on things that inside the button, as well as things that contain the button

  • ex. when you click on a <strong> tag, the event happens on that tag. But if nothing happens with that event, then it will bubble up to the surrounding element (ex. a Button). If the button wasn't listening for that specific event, then it will keep bubbling up onto the next surrounding element.
  • This is necessary, because if we have a <strong> tag inside a <button> and we click on that <strong> (which doesn't have a click handler), then our Button needs some way of being notified of that click event.
  • event.target is a reference to the object onto which the event was dispatched.
    • ex. if we click a button, then event.target is the <button> tag.

Event capturing is the process of figuring out what got clicked, and it happens after the bubbling phase

  • ex. when you click on a span, the browser starts at the top: "user clicked on the window > html > body > div > button > span"

When we add an event listener, we can specify that it triggers on the capture phase or bubble phase

  • bubble phase is default, and is what we want 99% of the time.

currentTarget vs target


  • what actually got clicked, prior to any bubbling happening
  • ex. we have a span inside a button. If the user clicks the span, then span is the currentTarget that got clicked, and the button is the target


  • what you listened for a click on (what the bubbling ended up at)

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