Docker Machine
Docker engine is a tool that lets us install Docker Engine on virtual hosts and manage those hosts
- Therefore, it is something we install on our own computer.
- with the **driver** concept, we can deploy to 3rd party cloud services, like AWS, DigitalOcean, or even VirtualBox on your local machine
- docker-machine commands let us start, inspect, stop, and restart hosts, as well as configure a docker client to talk to the hosts.
- it allows us to control the docker engine of a VM created using docker-machine
- The main reason you would use docker-machine is when you want to create a deployment environment for your application and manage all the micro-services running on it
- To setup, all we need to do is point our
CLI at our managed host, which enables us to run docker commands directly on that host.
Connecting to Docker Machine
The connection to a docker machine is made available through env variables. By default, they are unset, giving us our default connection
docker-machine env -u
will show us how to unset all variables to return to our default connection
If we wanted to connect to minikube, we could run `eval $(minikube docker-env)