DB Cluster

  • a collection of databases servers (ie. nodes, instances) that are connected to a single database file. It is made up of one master node, and 1+ slave nodes.
  • The benefits of clustering are: data redundancy, load balancing, high availability, and monitoring and automation.
  • a collection of databases managed by a single PostgreSQL server instance constitutes a database cluster.
  • a cluster is created with the initdb command
  • in file system terms, a database cluser is a single directory under which all data is stored.
    • normally /usr/local/pgsql/data or /var/lib/pgsql/data (determined by the package)
  • the unix user postgres should own this directory


  • node - an instance of a database server
  • the master node is typically the only one that gets written to.
    • The master can operate without slaves, and if there is an emergency, the slave node can be promoted to master, since it has the most up to date data.
  • the slave node typically exists as a backup, or as a read replica
    • a read replica means that the read and write traffic can be split between the two