Morgan is a HTTP request logger middleware for Node.js.
When morgan logs to the console, the structure of the content that gets logged in determined by the tokens used
A standard way to use morgan is to use the preset tiny:
, which is equivalent to:
morgan(':method :url :status :res[content-length] - :response-time ms');
- The part following
is the token.
Custom Tokens
We can create our own tokens with morgan.token(nameOfToken, callback)
, where the callback returns the value that will stand in for the token name.
Tokens can be configured to accept custom arguments:
app.use(morgan(':method :host :status :param[id] :res[content-length] - :response-time ms'));
morgan.token('param', function(req, res, param) {
return req.params[param];
Morgan can be combined with Winston to great effect